Contest #2 (Dan)
A Writing Contest for Fun and Olde Goat Mugs
Use your imagination to complete the story
Here is the jumping- off paragraph:
The day after Joan flew to California for her annual month-long visit with the grandbabies, her treasured dog Honey disappeared. John knew that she placed her dog on the same podium as her grandchildren. He had to find the dog. The next day he took Honey’s photo to Staples and taped 50 posters to neighborhood signs and telephone poles offering a $100 reward for the dog’s return. By Day Six, he had raised the amount to $500. The call came mid-morning:
“My name is Kat. I have your dog. We need to talk.”
Any ending is permissible EXCEPT that you cannot have Kat bring the dog home, collect the reward, and leave.
I took the dog because it looked just like the one my ex had. Not only that, but this dog is a bitch to take care of. If you promise not to press dog napping charges, I'll give you $100 to take the dog back. Meet me at the corner of 5th and Broadway to collect the dog and the $100. I wanted revenge. But now I know it was a mistake.
Kjell Johansen
Milwaukee, WI